Deerhoof – La Isla Bonita
An incredibly varied yet strangely accessible record that seems to surprise with every turn. Deerhoof seem to have refined their knack for extracting the most bizarre sounds from their instruments and lock them into an infectious yet anxious groove.

A Winged Victory For The Sullen – Atomos
This is about as emotive and immersive as music gets. Vast, cinematic and measured orchestration sweeps you up into a glacial wonderland and leaves you completely breathless.

Trans Am – X
Another beast of a record from Trans Am. Ten songs that have ten very different identities and incorporate pulsating kraut grooves through to galloping metal. This record demonstrates why Trans Am are still as vital today as they were twenty years ago.

Morbus Chron – Sweven
Swedish meldodic and progressive death metal. Well considered song writing, this album includes more original ideas than most metal bands come up with in an entire career. Nice addition of clean and acoustic guitars. Great to hear a death metal record in 2014 sounding so fresh and interesting.

Earthless – From The Ages
One of the best band on the planet. 3-piece psychadelic grooves that leave you in awe and speechless. Imagine if Jimi Hendrix was still alive and decided not to bother with the pop and slower stuff. These guys really know how to play and deliver rock music at it’s very best.