Darlaから3枚組のコンピレーションアルバム「Various Artists – Little Darla Has A Treat For You, Vol. 28, Lucky 2013」がリリース。
35曲中26曲がExclusive Trackとなっており、bvdub、cokiyu、Broken Little Sister等が参加している。
Diasc3にはHarold Buddのインタビュー音源(約50分)が収録。
Disc 1:
1. 17 Pygmies “Isabel III” (Darla Mix) Exclusive.
2. Beth Kleist “Alarm Clock Set” Exclusive.
3. Black To Comm “Swimming Pools” Exclusive.
4. The Blood Of Heroes “Everything Undone”
5. Broken Little Sister “A to Fade in” Exclusive.
6. The Brother Kite “Father to Son” (Demo) Exclusive.
7. Harold Budd “Jane 5”
8. Harold Budd, Clive Wright “Frailties of Phobos” Exclusive.
9. Bvdub “How Quickly You Forget” Exclusive.
10. Cokiyu “Your Thorn” (Moshimoss Remix) Exclusive.
11. Cult With No Name “Breathing” (Acoustic Version) Exclusive.
12. Cuushe “9125 Days of Sleep Waves” (Federico Durand Vocal Mix) Exclusive.
13. Domotic “Sweeping” Exclusive.
14. Elika “We Are Always Outsiders” Exclusive.
15. Epic45 “Weathering II” Exclusive.
16. Flowerss “Halo” (Alternate Version) xclusive.
17. Fredericson “Luuumore” Exclusive.
Run time = 75:06
Disc 2:
18. Geskia! “Split Spirit” Exclusive.
19. The History Of Colour TV “Violence” Exclusive.
20. I Am Robot And Proud “Unfinished Buildings” (Darla Version) Exclusive.
21. Knock Knock “Wild & Blue” (Alternate Mix) Exclusive.
22. Lowered “Movement Of Circles” Exclusive.
23. Maymay And The Spookfish “Anastasia” Exclusive.
24. Momus “Where Are We Now?” Exclusive.
25. Monnone Alone “The Business World”
26. Jonas Munk “Driving Through the Country”
27. Nyam Nyam “Doubt”
28. Peyton Pinkerton “Pharmacies and Bars”
29. Savage Republic “Hippodrome”
30. Martin Schulte “Summer Breeze”Exclusive.
31. Section 25 “Colour Movement Sex & Violence” (Outernational Mix)
32. Set In Sand “For the Time Beeing” (aus Remix) Exclusive.
33. Rhian Sheehan “Little Sines”
34. Soft Science “Please Won’t You Let Me Go” (Alternative Mix) Exclusive.
35. The Wedding Present “Deer Caught In Headlights” (Live in Los Angeles 2012) Exclusive.
Run time = 75:24
Disc 3:
36. Harold Budd Interviewed by Jason Hoffer, GoingThruVinyl.com, May 3, 2012.
Run time = 50:25